Waldport (Or.)Spencer & Kupper2007-11-292007-11-292005-07https://hdl.handle.net/1794/5283http://www.waldport.org/pdfforms/urbanrenewalplan2.pdf37 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps. Published July, 2005. Captured January 17, 2006.The Waldport Urban Renewal Plan #2 is conceived as a means to help create new property values, and stimulate economic growth in Waldport. The primary intent of the plan is to provide the infrastructure needed to allow and accelerate development of vacant, underutilized land in Waldport. The plan also will help modernize public facilities, and assist in relocating safety facilities out of tsunami hazard zones. [From the Plan]408681 bytesapplication/pdfen-USCommunity development -- Oregon -- WaldportCity planning -- Oregon -- WaldportUrban renewal -- Oregon -- PlanningWaldport : Urban renewal planCity of Waldport urban renewal plan #2Book