Sin, Anson Ka-lik2021-08-232021-08-232021-06 pagesThe project will focus on how warm-up exercises are a vitally important activity for pianists both mentally and physically. I will research the best methods for pianists to warm up before piano practice, lessons, and performance. Warm-up exercises should include a variety of physical and mental elements, such as: activating the kinesthetic sense, body mapping the arms/hands, creating a ready-to-play mode, breathing, as well as creating a positive mindset. The project will also illustrate how to apply these elements to optimize the warm-up exercises. Additionally, several stretching exercises from the Chinese martial arts (Qigong) will be explained and demonstrated as to how they are beneficial to piano warm-up exercises. Pianists are often able to learn much better through practical application at the piano, rather than trying to absorb abstract information. Applying the above strategies will transform the ways pianists approach the piano to produce a better quality of movement, reduce tension and prevent pain. A pianist who is completely warmed up can better concentrate on the creation of sound, musical gesture, and interpretation. Please note: In this document, I will use the word “warm up” as a noun, and “warm-up” as an adjective.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USStretching Exercises From Martial Arts and Preconditioning Piano Exercises With Scores and Video Demonstrations to Prepare Pianists for Practice and Performance Without Physical TensionTerminal Project