Novick, Adam2011-03-072011-03-072011-02-10 p. Presented at the annual meeting of the Oregon chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bend OR, 10 Feb 2011.Does Benton County's recently approved Habitat Conservation Plan address concern that species-based land-use regulation (whether prohibitions or mitigation requirements) might be counterproductive to the survival of maintenance-dependent species on non-federal land? I suggest that despite significant limitations, the plan gives this concern unprecedented recognition, including a promise of some prosecutorial discretion and a recommendation to refine rules implementing the US Endangered Species Act. I discuss what might help the US Fish and Wildlife Service and others do more to address this concern.en-USBiodiversity conservation policyConservation-reliant speciesRegulatory disincentivesUS Endangered Species Act of 1973Habitat conservation -- Oregon -- Benton CountySafe harbor agreementsCandidate conservation agreements with assurancesProsecutorial discretionBenton County (Or.)p\Prairie speciesAldo LeopoldGame theoryGame-theoretic analyisisSupply curve analysisUnited States. Endangered Species Act of 1973Endangered Species Act of 1973Leopold, AldoLand use -- Oregon -- Benton County -- PlanningBenton County’s Prairie Species Habitat Conservation Plan: Signposts for the future of species-based land-use regulation?Presentation