Eugene (Or.)Lane Council of Governments (Or.)URS Corporation2013-08-212013-08-212002-08 pp. Maps, figures, tables, charts, images. Divided into eight volumes in addition to two sets of appendices.The Eugene Stormwater Basin Master Plans (Basin Plans) have been developed to document the comprehensive basin planning process and results and providing guidance for the management of stormwater throughout the study area. These plans describe a “multiple-objective” approach (i.e., incorporating water quality, stormwater-related natural resources and flood control) to stormwater management. These plans identify the major drainage basins and major subbasin delineations; describe the study area characteristics; describe the flood control, water quality and stormwater-related natural resource problems and opportunities in each major basin; describe the long-term, 36-year multiple objective capital improvement program and proposed new development standards that would address the identified problems and opportunities; and describe the City’s drainage critera for design of stormwater system improvements.en-USPublic DomainStormwater Management -- Oregon -- EugeneFlood control -- Oregon -- EugeneStormwater Basin Master PlanBook