Barker, Brandon2020-01-172020-01-172019 and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are subject to the same complex computing requirements as their larger counterparts (Cruz-Hinojosa & Gutierrez-de-Mesa, 2016). With ever increasing complexity and cost associated with operating systems that are necessary today, SMEs need to learn how to do more with less. Tools exist today to help IT departments track issues and be more efficient with their spending through the use of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USSmall and Medium Sized EnterprisesSMEITILIT Infrastructure LibraryITSMIT Service ManagementCritical Success FactorsSmall and Medium Sized BusinessesBenefits of an ITIL Transition in Small to Medium Sized EnterprisesTerminal Project