Camelo Borba, Ednaldo2018-12-102018-12-102018-11 pages.The present document explores two works by Brazilian composer Edmundo Villani-Côrtes - his Série Brasileira Op. 8 and Cinco Miniaturas Brasileiras – and discusses their relationship with nationalism, raising the question if Villani could be labeled as a “nationalist composer.“ The answer is achieved by establishing proper definitions for the concept of nationalism based on recent academic publications, followed by the composer’s biography and an analysis of his works, in order to reveal their cultural influences and aesthetic goals.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USEdmundo Villani-CôrtesNationalismBrazilian musicSérie Brasileira Op. 8Cinco Miniaturas BrasileirasNationalism in Two Works by Edmundo Villani-Côrtes,”Other