Salem (Or.)Mid Willamette Valley Council of GovernmentsSalem (Or.). Planning Dept.2009-06-022009-06-021973-08Scanned by UO from item HT168 S18 .S353 1973 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, tables, appendix. Published August, 1973. Scanned by UO from item HT168 S18 .S353 1973, May, 2009.This report is a general plan for land use and development in the Salem urban area. It includes a comprehensive land use plan which shows the location of the various land uses and their relationship to the arterial network, schools and other community facilities. The plan also relates in one document the many planning efforts in the Salem area, such as plans for parks and open space, transportation, and sewer and water service and goals and policies to guide and promote orderly urban development. [From the Plan]en-USCity planning -- Oregon -- SalemCommunity development -- Oregon -- SalemLand use -- Oregon -- Salem -- PlanningSalem : Salem area comprehensive plan (1973)Comprehensive plan : Salem area, OregonBook