Retallack, Greg J.2016-11-162016-11-162011 were collected to establish a paleoclimatic time series for Devonian and Early Carboniferous rocks with evidence of fossils transitional between fish and amphibians. Data was collected in Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Quebec.Data on depth to calcic horizon in paleosols of the northern Appalachians for tetrapod bones and trackways, as well as fossil tree remains. These data were collected to establish a paleoclimatic time series for Devonian and Early Carboniferous rocks with evidence of fossils transitional between fish and amphibians.en-USCreative Commons CC0 1.0 UniversalPaleosolsTetrapod evolutionDevonian tetrapodsFishAmphibiansCarboniferous rocksDevonian rocksFossilsPaleosol data from Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Quebec.Dataset