Condon, David M.Coughlin, JoshuaWeston, Sara J.2022-07-132022-07-132022Condon, D. M., Coughlin, J., & Weston, S. J. (2022). Personality Trait Descriptors: 2,818 Trait Descriptive Adjectives Characterized by Familiarity, Frequency of Use, and Prior Use in Psycholexical Research. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 10(1), 1. DOI: pagesThis dataset contains 2,818 trait descriptive adjectives in English and information about the extent to which each term is known among a large and approximately representative sample of U.S. adults. The list of personality-related terms includes all 1,710 adjectives previously studied by Goldberg (1982) and draws on prior work by Allport and Odbert (1936) and Norman (1967). The extent to which terms were known by respondents was based on the administration of vocabulary questions about each term-definition pair online to a sample of English-speaking U.S. residents with approximately average literacy levels. The open data are accompanied by an online database that allows the terms to be searched and filtered.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USPersonalityPersonality structurePersonality descriptorsTrait descriptive adjectivesLexical hypothesisPersonality Trait Descriptors: 2,818 Trait Descriptive Adjectives Characterized by Familiarity, Frequency of Use, and Prior Use in Psycholexical ResearchArticle