Kinney, David W.Hubbard (Or.)2009-03-192009-03-192007-05-08 pp. bookmarks supplied by UO. Tables, maps, figures, illus. Adopted May 8, 2007. Captured March 17, 2009.The master plan work involved the following tasks: 1. Inventory of existing park sites including the preparation of base maps for each city park listing and photo documentation of the existing park facilities. 2. Evaluation of opportunities and constraints at each city park. 3. Written survey of the community in August 2006. 4. Review of City Comprehensive Plan and Development Code requirements. 5. Technical review of park improvement standards. 6. Development of recommended improvements at each park. 7. Preparation of planning cost estimates for park improvements. [From the Plan]en-USRecreation areas -- Oregon -- HubbardParks -- Oregon -- Hubbard -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- HubbardHubbard : Parks master planCity of Hubbard parks master planBook