Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization2013-08-132013-08-132007-01http://www.lcog.org/documents/mpo/PPP/FinalPPPComplete.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/1794/1305692 pp. Maps, tables, appendices. Adopted January 11, 2007.The Public Participation Plan is an adopted document of the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) is the Central Lane MPO acting within an area which consists of Eugene, Springfield and Coburg within their urban growth boundaries, and the portion of Lane County that surrounds Eugene/Springfield and connects the metropolitan area to Coburg (Map 1). The purpose of the plan is to ensure broad public participation during the development, review, and refinement of regional transportation programs. The over-arching goal is two-way communication with citizens, open decision making, and responsiveness to citizen input. The first chapter introduces the Public Participation Plan, explains the need and purpose for the plan, describes the decision making authority, addresses consistency with state and federal regulations, and lists the target audiences to be reached. Chapter II contains the goals, objectives, and policies. Chapter III lists the key products of the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the public involvement for each. Chapter III also tells how and when the public can provide input and how public input will be incorporated into plans and projects. Chapter IV describes the evaluation process and measures.en-USPublic DomainPublic participationTransportation planningTransportation -- Oregon -- Lane County -- PlanningCentral Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization Public Participation PlanBook