Springfield (Or.). Development Services Dept.Springfield (Or.)2008-12-172008-12-172000-07http://www.ci.springfield.or.us/dsd/Planning/multidesign.PDFhttps://hdl.handle.net/1794/812127 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Figures. Published July, 2000. Captured November 5, 2008.The design standards project was initiated to respond to specific concerns raised by the City Council and other citizens about the quality and appearance of new, multiple family housing being developed in the community. To address these concerns, the Springfield City Council requested that a set of design standards be brought to them for their consideration. In response to the City Council's request, the Planning Commission created a sub-committee of the Commission called the Design Standards Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) in the spring of 1998 to formulate these standards and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission for their consideration. [From the document]en-USHousing policy -- Oregon -- SpringfieldCommunity development -- Oregon -- SpringfieldCity planning -- Oregon -- SpringfieldSpringfield : Multi-unit design standards handbookMulti-unit design standards handbookBook