ECO Northwest, Ltd.Johnson GardnerPortland Development CommissionGroup MacKenziePortland (Or.)2009-02-202009-02-202003-07 pp. Charts, tables. Published July, 2003. Captured February 20, 2009.The Market Demand Analysis Report addresses the following questions: What is the demand (in terms of employment growth) for industrial and employment land in the region and in Portland? What is the supply of vacant industrial land in the region and in Portland? Is there adequate supply of vacant industrial and employment land to accommodate projected growth until 2010? What do recent vacancy and absorption rates of industrial and employment space suggest about the uses that will be seeking sites in the near future -- sites that need to be ready for development? [From the document]en-USStrategic planning -- Oregon -- PortlandPortland (Or.) -- Economic conditionsCity planning -- Oregon -- PortlandPortland : Market demand analysis report for the citywide industrial lands inventory and assessmentMarket demand analysis report for the citywide industrial lands inventory and assessmentBook