Crabtree, BeckySavoy, Cian2024-08-302024-08-302024 international education continues to evolve in an increasingly globalized world, universities must confront the unique challenges faced by their international student populations. This thesis conducts an in-depth examination of the experiences of international students at the University of Oregon, with a particular focus on the complex dynamics surrounding the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS), financial pressures, cultural adjustment processes, and emerging policies impacting their collegiate journeys.en-USCC BY-NC-ND 4.0Student visaInternational educationHigher educationInternational studentsUniversity challengesNAVIGATING SEVIS: ANALYZING CHALLENGES FACED BY INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGONThesis/Dissertation0000-0002-3060-4505