Hawk, Norman Ray2018-09-272018-09-271949-06https://hdl.handle.net/1794/23862222 pagesEfforts have been made in this study to trace the developments of the Irreducible School Fund and the factors responsible for depriving the schools of the legacy bequeathed by far-seeing statesmen during the formative period of American development. An attempt has been made to analyse the errors of the past and to estimate the resultant losses to the public schools of Oregon. It is now apparent that what was once intended as substantial school aid actually has been a paltry "drop-in-the-bucket" relative to needs.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USIrreducible School FundPublic schoolsOregonOregon schoolsA History of the Irreducible School Fund in OregonThesis / Dissertation