Umpqua National Forest (Agency : U.S.)2009-03-232009-03-232008-09-09 pp. Tables. T29S, R1W and 1E; T30S, R1W and 1E. Captured March 18, 2009.Announces decision choosing Alternative 4 of project EA, initiating commercial thinning of about 1,508 acres of managed and natural stands (second growth) using ground-based or skyline logging systems in the Matrix land allocation generating approximately 12.7 million board feet of timber. Thinned acres will include about 825 acres of off-site ponderosa pine harvesting or girdling to remove non-localized conifers and to restore to native plant communities. Also includes treating activity created fuels on about 878 acres by underburning, grapple or excavator piling (with machines remaining on pre-designated skid trails), lopping and scattering, chipping, jackpot burning, or handpiling and burning, and construction and reconstruction of roads.en-USForest roads -- Oregon -- Umpqua National ForestFuel reduction (Wildfire prevention) -- Oregon -- Umpqua National ForestLogging -- Oregon -- Umpqua National ForestForest thinning -- Oregon -- Umpqua National ForestForest management -- Oregon -- Umpqua National ForestCurtis timber sale decision notice and finding of no significant impactDecision notice and finding of no significant impact: Curtis timber sale projectOther