Hooks, Molly M.2024-05-162024-05-162024-05-0139 J. Env't L. & Litig. 2691049-0280https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2944920 pagesPollution from shipping ports disproportionately harms low-income communities and communities of color. With an eye toward environmental justice, the Inflation Reduction Act will help mitigate this disparity. Specifically, its grants relating to zero-emission port equipment and technology, implemented through the new Clean Ports Program, have the potential to lessen the air pollution burden on near-port communities and further environmental justice. The government, however, must take measures to ensure this funding reaches and elevates the communities hit hardest by port pollution. These measures include targeting outreach efforts to under-resourced communities, using environmental justice research to guide decision-making, and providing transparent communication at every step of the implementation process.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Inflation Reduction ActEnvironmental justiceAir pollutionA Just Solution to Port Pollution: Tailoring the Clean Ports Program to Ensure Equitable Distribution of Inflation Reduction Act GrantsArticle