Sweet Home Ranger District (Or.)2008-05-212008-05-212007-03https://hdl.handle.net/1794/6317456 pp. Figures, maps, tables, references, and appendices. T 12 S, R 5 E, Sections 25-29, 34 and 36; T 12 S, R 6 E, Sections 29, 30 and 32; T 13 S, R 5 E, Sections 2, 10, 12 and 24; T 13 S, R 6 E, Sections 6, 8, 17 and 18. Captured April 15, 2008.Proposes to thin commercially some 1550 acres of young, densely-stacked, managed stands in the Donaca and Headquarters Middle Santiam River subwatersheds to increase growth and vigor of residual trees, accelerate development of structural and compositional complexity, and contribute commercial wood products to the district's harvest target for fiscal years 2007-2009. Proposed stand treatments are intended to improve habitat conditions, habitat function, and connectivity within the Critical Habitat Unit for northern spotted owls, the Middle Santiam River Corridor, and the Santiam Area of Concern.17241261 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestForest thinning -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestNorthern spotted owl -- Habitat -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestMiddle Santiam thin timber sale environmental assessmentEnvironmental assessment: Middle Santiam thin timber saleOther