Lollini, Massimo2018-01-032018-01-031992Lollini, Massimo. Le Muse, Le Maschere E Il Sublime : G.B. Vico E La Poesia Nell'età Della "Ragione Spiegata". Napoli: Guida, 1994. Print. pagesThis book studies Vico’s reflection on the evolution of poetry, poetics and rhetoric from Renaissance to Baroque. Vico believes that poetry, having lost its mythological origins, no longer has any eternal or fixed content. This process was particularly acute in the baroque period. The emergence of the mask as an emblem of Baroque culture testifies, as Vico writes, to the loss of the perception of nature as divine substance, producing a loss both of the constitutive referentiality of language and of its supposed “natural” origin.itCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USVicoPoetryRenaissanceBaroqueMasksMythologySublimeItalian theoryLe muse, le maschere e il sublime. Giambattista Vico e la poesia nell'età della "ragione spiegata"Book