Tigard (Or.)2014-04-022014-04-022009-09-11https://hdl.handle.net/1794/1511725 pp. Adopted 2009-09-11. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted AmendmentA Development Code Amendment to promote consistency among the Code Chapters. These "housekeeping" items are from Community Development Code Chapters 18,120 Definitions, 18.220 Zoning Administration, 18.310 Summary of Land Use Permits, 18.330 Conditional Use, 18.350 Planned Developments, 18.360 Site Development Review, 18.385 Miscellaneous Permits, 18.390 Decision-Making Procedures, 18.410 Lot Line Adjustments, 18.430 Subdivisions, 18.510 Residential Zoning Districts, 18.520 Commercial Zoning Districts, 18.530 Industrial Zoning, 18.640 Durham Quariy Design Standards, 18.705 Access, Egress, and Circulation, 18,710 Accessory Residential Units, 18.715 Density Computations, 18.730 Exceptions to Development Standards, 18.742 Home Occupations, 18.745 Landscaping and Screening, 18.760 Non-Conforming Situations, 18.765 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements, 18.775 Sensitive Lands, 18.780 Signs, and 18.798 Wireless Communication Facilities.en-USPublic DomainLand UseTigard Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-09-11)Adopted Plan