Coté, Abbigail Katharine2017-06-122017-06-122017-06 pagesThis paper is a study of pedagogical approaches for the cultivation of an efficient, balanced vocal onset. The research will provide a historical survey of onset discussions from various pedagogical sources and conclude with a compendium of exercises which exemplify a systematic, prescriptive approach to balanced onset through development of an advantageous prephonatory throat posture and maintaining that posture with varied articulatory gestures and air pressure. Although the methodology I have used in this research could be applied to each aspect of vocal technique, I believe teaching the execution of an efficient onset has been especially controversial and, therefore, more elusive to today’s teachers, warranting this in depth investigation.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USVocal onsetVoice pedagogySingingVoice care and hygieneBreath supportOnset exercisesUnraveling the Discussion of Vocal Onset: Strategies for the Cultivation of Balanced Onset Based Upon Historical and Current Vocal Pedagogical TeachingsTerminal Project