Gold Beach (Or.)CH2M Hill, inc.2009-06-102009-06-101982-06-22Scanned by UO from item HT168 .G64 G64 1982 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, tables, appendices. Adopted June 22, 1982. Scanned by UO from item HT168 .G64 G64 1982, June, 2009.The Gold Beach Comprehensive Plan is divided in two sections. The inventory section which contains both natural resource inventories and socio-economic inventories, and the plan section which then relates this information to the goals that the City will use as a guide for the future. These goals and policies are specifically implemented through a series of ordinances, primarily the zoning and subdivision ordinances. [From the Plan]en-USCity planning -- Oregon -- Gold BeachCommunity development -- Oregon -- Gold BeachLand use -- Oregon -- Gold Beach -- PlanningGold Beach : Comprehensive plan (1982)Comprehensive plan : City of Gold BeachBook