Willson, Nicoleen2011-06-072011-06-072011-03https://hdl.handle.net/1794/11215vii, 75 p. A RESEARCH DOCUMENT Presented to the Arts and Administration Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts, School of Music and Dance, University of Oregon, March 2011Because successful boards of directors are an essential component of successful nonprofit organizations, this paper seeks to explore best practices and pertinent issues relating to boards of directors in the arts, and specifically that of orchestral nonprofit organizations. While arts boards can access and employ general governance practices, this paper highlights issues which impact the way board members, executive leadership, and staff approach and navigate governance in the arts. This paper provides extensive literature review of both general and arts nonprofit governance sources, with a special emphasis on orchestral arts governance. Analysis of literature explores governance models, participants in governance, and the responsibilities and activities of governance participants. Ultimately, successful arts boards should place the organization’s artistic mission at the center of their activities, while creating a collaborative environment in which all constituents and stakeholders can appropriately contribute and participate.en-USGovernanceArtCollaborationLeadershipMissionCommunicationResponsibilitiesNonprofit organizationsArts nonprofit organizationsOrchestral nonprofit organizationsArts Governance: Issues and practices in arts governance with an emphasis on nonprofit orchestral organizationsIssues and practices in arts governance with an emphasis on nonprofit orchestral organizationsOther