Echo (Or.)2006-06-162006-06-162002-12 pp. Referenced map not included. Bookmarks modified by UO. Adopted October 18, 1978. Revised 1986. Last revision December, 2002. Captured June 8, 2006.The following statement of goals and policies provide a general long range basis for decision making relative to the future growth and development of the City. The goals are patterned after and are in direct response to applicable Oregon Statewide Planning Goals. The policy statements set forth a guide to courses of action, which are intended to carry out the goals of the Plan. The policy statements present the City's position on matters pertaining to physical improvements and community development. [From the Plan]325274 bytesapplication/pdfen-USCity planning -- Oregon -- EchoCommunity development -- Oregon -- EchoLand use -- Oregon -- Echo -- PlanningEcho : Comprehensive planCity of Echo municipal code, Title 7: Comprehensive planBook