Stockard, JeanJohnson, Miriam M.Williams, SuzanneGill, Sandra2024-05-102024-05-101987-10Gill, S., Stockard, J., Johnson, M. et al. Measuring gender differences: The expressive dimension and critique of androgyny scales. Sex Roles 17, 375–400 (1987). pagesThis paper calls for a new approach to the measurement of gender similarities and differences in personality. Critiques of current measures that are based on the measurement of stereotypical masculinity and femininity are reviewed, and an alternative measure is presented. It avoids many of the problems in the other scales by measuring expressiveness and instrumentality in such a way that they are not confounded with variables such as independence or autonomy. Results with this measure in five different samples are presented. These confirm our theoretical definitions of expressiveness and instrumentality, and suggest that only the expressive or relational dimension consistently differentiates samples of women and men.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USGender differenceSocial PsychologyAlternative MeasureRational DimensionCurrent MeasureMeasuring Gender Differences: The Expressive Dimension and Critique of Androgyny ScalesArticle