Otis, Brig2008-11-032008-11-032007-03https://hdl.handle.net/1794/7669x, 63 p. This paper was completed as part of the final research component in the University of Oregon Applied Information Management Master's Degree Program [see htpp://aim.uoregon.edu].Proliferation in social computing technologies has created a need to examine the technology selection process with focus on the relationship to worker productivity. A literature review is conducted between the years of 1998 and 2007. Content analysis identifies factors in the literature addressing social computing, defined by the Social Computing Group (2005) and worker productivity, defined by Nasar (1993). The outcome is a Q&A guide for information managers to use when selecting social computing technologies.AIMWorker productivitySocial computingApplied Information ManagementInformation managersDataFactors in Social Computing Related to Worker ProductivityOther