Wheeler, Terra Ettrick2023-07-262023-07-262016https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2859383 pagesThe initial motivation for this project was the desire to root academic research and knowledge in practical application. After living in Portland, Oregon for ten years I began to witness the destruction of historic resources in the inner Southeast Hosford - Abernethy neighborhood. Before this experience of demolitions, I was sheltered from the destruction of old buildings. I learned to appreciate the musty smell of an old basement and peeling paint at an early age. Growing up in Northampton, Massachusetts I was privileged to be protected from the devastation of demolition. Many years later after moving to Portland I fell in love with old buildings all over again. I began to question the contradiction between the city's touted progressive policies and the destruction of existing buildings without consideration of the environmental impact. This project is an attempt to answer this long-held question; using scholarship to move from conceptual understanding to solidifying observations and experience through production of measurable impacts.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USsustainable preservationSenate Bill 100Portland, OrONWARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION! EXPLORING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF NEW CONSTRUCTION THROUGH LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA): A POLICY PERSPECTIVEThesis / Dissertation