Roberts, Jenette Elizabeth2023-09-192023-09-191939-08 pagesThis study endeavors to show the part played in Oregon during the years 1851-1913 by Asahel Bush, pioneer editor, politician, and banker. The writer has made use of the plentiful source material available for the territorial period. The correspondence which the editor of the Statesman carried on with many men in Oregon has been fairly well preserved. Contemporary newspapers, particularly the Oregonian and the Argus, supplement the information about the political life, economic interests, and various activities gleaned from the Statesman. The papers of the territorial government give much reliable information. These are available for study in the Oregon Historical Library, Portland, Oregon.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USpolitical leaderThe StatesmanbankingASHEL BUSH – PIONEER EDITOR, POLITICIAN AND BANKERThesis / Dissertation