Central Point (Or.)2014-04-012014-04-012008-05-19https://hdl.handle.net/1794/1460326 pp. Adopted 2008-05-19. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted Amendment1. Modification to Section 17.24, R-2 Residential Two-Family, Section 17.28, R-3 Residential MultipleFamily District identifying minimum density standards. 2. Modifcation to the R-3 residential district allowing option to develop under the Tansit Oriented Develop District MMR development standards. 3. Modification to section 17.64 Off-Street Parking and Loading allowing for flexibility in the dimensions of off-street parking.en-USPublic DomainLand UseCentral Point Notice of Adopted Amendment (2008-05-19)Adopted Plan