North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.)Powell, David C.Erickson, Vicky2008-07-072008-07-071997-01 pp. Tables, figures, maps, references, appendix, illus. "Pre-fire forest types were very diverse, largely in response to a relatively steep elevational gradient ranging from 3,000 feet near the North Fork of the John Day River at the southwestern corner of the fire perimeter to 6,850 feet at Tower Mountain lookout on the extreme eastern edge of the analysis area." Date of BAER report is September 1996. Captured June 18, 2008.Vegetation report analyzes impact of fire on pre-fire forest cover types and examines potential natural vegetation and current conditions. Recommendations consider free salvage, natural regeneration, artificial reforestation, thinning, understory removals, prescribed burning, fertilization, and pruning. BAER (burned area emergency rehabilitation) report is designed to alleviate emergency watershed conditions following wildfire to help stabilize soil, control water, sediment, and debris movement, and prevent threats to life, property, and other downstream values, both on-site and off-site. Recommends that the District acquire high-resolution (2-meter) color infrared (CIR) photography for the fire area, that the burned plantations be replanted as quickly as possible, that the remaining areas with a high amount of stand mortality be rescheduled for planting, that all plantings emphasize establishment of early-seral conifers on upland sites, and that future stand densities by maintained at levels which minimize the potential for crown fires.2343671 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Forest fires -- Environmental aspects -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Vegetation management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Tower Fire ecosystem analysis forest vegetation report and forest vegetation BAER reportForest vegetation report and forest vegetation BAER report: Tower Fire ecosystem analysisOther