Harper, Corey A.2006-09-022006-09-022006Harper, Corey A. "Collaboration in User Interface Design, or Bringing the Public Service Perspective to Building a Digital Library." Public Services Quarterly, Vol. 2(1) 2006. p. 115-128.1522-8959 (Print)1522-9114 (Electronic)https://hdl.handle.net/1794/326621 p. Appears in Volume 2, Number 1 (2006) of Public Services Quarterly.This article discusses the potential for interaction and collaboration between Public Services and Technical Services librarians in the development of Digital Libraries. It discusses general principles for interface design, the need to take into consideration aspects of context and audience when developing interfaces, and the unique contribution that can be made by Public Services professionals in taking these factors into account. It concludes with a look at some Web 2.0 concepts and discusses future directions that include more end-user interaction in digital library interfaces.113954 bytesapplication/pdfen-USDigital librariesInterface designCollaborationCollaboration in User Interface Design, or Bringing the Public Service Perspective to Building a Digital LibraryArticle