Stayton (Or.)H. Lee & Associates2007-08-132007-08-132004-04-27DVD provided by Oregon Dept. of Transportation pp. Maps and figures included. Published April 27, 2004. Received from ODOT January 2, 2007.The purpose of the Stayton Transportation System Plan is to determine the 2025 transportation needs of the city, develop a list of transportation improvements to be constructed through the year 2025, identify funding for the identified improvements, and update/revise the necessary municipal codes to implement the transportation system plan. [From the Plan]2268641 bytesapplication/pdfen-USTransportation -- Oregon -- Stayton -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- StaytonLand use -- Oregon -- Stayton -- PlanningStayton : Transportation system planFinal draft : City of Stayton transportation system planBook