Vasquez-Tokos, Jessica2025-01-222025-01-222014-12Vasquez JM. RACE COGNIZANCE AND COLORBLINDNESS: Effects of Latino/Non-Hispanic White Intermarriage. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race. 2014;11(2):273-293. doi:10.1017/S1742058X14000174 racial/ethnic intermarriage has grown over time, increases with each generation in the United States, and occurs most frequently with non-Hispanic Whites. This article answers the question: How does intermarriage change racial/ethnic consciousness for both partners? Drawing on in-depth interviews with thirty intermarried Latinos and non-Hispanic Whites, I critique assimilation, Whiteness, and colorblindness theories, finding two predominant racial consciousness outcomes of intermarriage: race cognizance and racial colorblindness. First, intermarriage can enhance Whites’ understanding of race/ethnicity and racism, a phenomenon I call race cognizance. Second, intermarriage can produce colorblind discourse that focuses on similarity, yet in ways inconsistent with colorblind racism. Racial consciousness varies by ethnicity: most intermarried Whites reported race cognizance, an outcome unforeseen by traditional theories of integration, whereas Latinos more often espoused colorblindness. These understandings are used in different contexts: race cognizance is stimulated by the public domain, whereas colorblindness is evoked in private space. These findings demonstrate that racial consciousness is fluid, and influenced by intermarriage and ethnicity.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC 4.0-USIntermarriage, Latinos, Whiteness, Race, Assimilation, Racial Attitudes, ColorblindnessRace Cognizance and Colorblindness: Effects of Latino/Non-Hispanic White IntermarriageArticle