Frisk, HenrikWeijland, BartFrisk, Henrik2018-12-112018-12-112009Cobussen, Marcel, Henrik Frisk, & Bart Weijland. "The Field of Musical Improvisation." Konturen [Online], 2.1 (2009): 168-185. Web. 11 Dec. 20181947-3796 pagesIn this essay the first initiatives are presented to come to a new theoretical approach of musical improvisation. The main idea is to regard musical improvisation as a nonlinear dynamical system in which various (f)actors interact and connect in complex ways. In other words, the Field of Musical Improvisation (FMI) has no stable or strict identity.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USThe Field of Musical ImprovisationArticle10.5399/uo/konturen.2.1.1356