Harper, Kimberly Renee2004-09-292004-09-292003-06https://hdl.handle.net/1794/219Review committee chair: Lisa Abia-Smith. 179 p.Utilizing visitor-centered, interpretive exhibition theories to enhance library displays. This historical and interpretive study explores the archival collection of the University of Oregon 1927 World Debate Tour. The development of an interpretive exhibition proposal on the subject for Special Collections at Knight Library on the UO campus provide a focus for the study. Key museum literature sources on exhibition development, audience learning, and interpretation guide the study. The key literature sources were synthesized with descriptive data from historical research of the archival collection to produce the exhibition proposal. This study provides Special Collections with some fundamental background information in exhibition theories and methods, a model of how interpretive exhibition methods could be applied to their collections, and a proposal framework to apply to other collections and subjects in the future.6653170 bytesapplication/pdfen-USMuseum studiesUniversity of OregonExhibitionsARGUING THEIR WAY AROUND THE WORLD: An exhibition proposal for the 1927 University of Oregon World Debate TourThesis