Vynne, Stacy, 1979-Fleury, NickFracchia, Elena2010-09-152010-09-152010https://hdl.handle.net/1794/1072150 p.In this report, prepared for the City of Gresham and the Sustainable City Year program, climate change preparedness will be discussed as it pertains to the City of Gresham and the Lower Willamette Subbasin. The report begins by giving an overview of climate change and this project. Next, this report will discuss the various systems (natural, human, built, and economic) that are focused on throughout the report. It will next discuss the future climate projections for the city of Gresham. With this background established, the report then goes through the specific impacts and recommendations provided by local experts regarding climate change preparedness necessary for each of the previously described natural and community systems. Finally, the report concludes with a vision of Gresham for the future as well as an action plan for the city to begin preparedness planning for the impacts of climate change.en-USGresham (Or.)Climate changeClimatic changes -- Oregon -- GreshamGresham Climate Futures Report: Spring 2010 Climate Preparedness in the Lower Willamette SubbasinArticle