Kraemer, Stephen M.2015-09-012015-09-011980-05 pagesIn this dissertation, the Phonetic elements of the Chinese script were examined ~or their potential usefulness in the teaching and learning of Chinese characters. A Potentially Pedagogically Useful (PPU) Phonetic was defined as a Phonetic which indicates some definite feature of pronunciation in all characters containing it as a common element. In this way, it can serve as a clue to the pronunciation of these characters, and thus can serve as a potential aid for students learning Chinese. With the above definition in mind, seven categories of PPU Phonetics were established based upon the description of the Chinese sound system given by J. DeFrancis in Beginning Chinese. Next, some 858 Phonetic Series of characters (as compiled by L. Wieger in Chinese Characters) were examined for the existence of PPU Phonetics. The result was the compilation of some 579 PPU Phonetics, comprising all seven categories, which were presented in Chapter III of the study. Areas for further research were discussed in the concluding section of the study, with the suggestion being made to possibly extend the study to include the identification of PPU Phonetics among the simplified characters used in the People's Republic of China.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USChinese instructionPedagogyPhoneticsPotentially Pedagogically Useful 'Phonetics' in the Chinese Script: Their Identification and CharacterizationThesis / Dissertation