Stoddart, Richard A.2020-07-102020-07-102020 include a virtual poster and supplementary survey materials.Previous research has demonstrated the positive impacts that Open Educational Resources (OER) can have on student retention and learning, but these connections may not be compelling enough to persuade faculty to adopt OER resources in lieu of traditional textbooks and materials. What are OER advocates missing? What could OER advocates do better or differently? To be successful with OER, it is important to understand not only what OER are replicating or replacing in the classroom, but also understand the whole faculty experience, including the social aspects of textbook adoption. How do faculty hear about textbooks? Who do faculty speak with about textbook adoption? What are faculty expectations when interacting with new textbooks? This poster reports on a campus survey of faculty and their experiences and expectations regarding textbook adoption and shares opportunities for OER advocates to build upon this knowledge and create peer relationships, collaborations, and communities around OER.enCreative Commons BY-NDOEROpen Educational Resourcestextbook adoptionWhat Can OER Advocates Learn From The Traditional Faculty Textbook Adoption Experience?Presentation