Presto, JeniferYarygina, Tatiana2014-09-292014-09-292014-09-29 purpose of this research was to explore the phenomenon of a literary pseudonym in different countries with the main focus on Russia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. This thesis also discussed in depth the pseudonyms taken by Russian female writers of the Silver Age, the reasons for having the pseudonyms, and how their pseudonyms affected their lives and literary careers. This study highlighted the three examples of pseudonym-creation during the said period: it demonstrated the cases of Elizaveta Dmitrieva (the pseudonym "Cherubina de Gabriak"), Zinaida Gippius (the pseudonym "Anton Krainii"), and Anna Gorenko (the pseudonym "Akhmatova"). The results showed that each pseudonym manifested itself in the works of each writer as well as in their personal and professional lives in quite different ways and that both the pseudonym and the real name played a significant role in the creative activity of the three female writers.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Women's Pseudonyms in Russian ModernismElectronic Thesis or Dissertation