Northwest National, LLCBenner Stange AssociatesRPS DevelopmentKeizer (Or.)Ankrom Moisan Associated Architects2008-03-072008-03-072007-07 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps. Adopted February, 2003; amended July, 2007. Captured February 4, 2008.The Keizer Station Plan is intended to build on the objectives that were previously used to guide the preparation of the Chemawa Activity Center Plan: establish a northern gateway into the Keizer area; provide an opportunity for multi-modal transportation options; provide the opportunity to live, work and shop in close proximity to the Center; provide an additional focal point for industry, commerce and community activities; enhance economic activity within the community without threatening the economic health and redevelopment activities along the River Road and Cherry Avenue corridors; provide an appropriate site for community facilities; offer a source of employment, including family wage jobs; and be a Source of Pride. [From the Plan]5048277 bytesapplication/pdfen-USCommunity development -- Oregon -- KeizerTransportation -- Oregon -- Keizer -- PlanningUrban transportation -- Oregon -- PlanningCommercial lands -- Oregon -- KeizerCity planning -- Oregon -- KeizerLand use -- Oregon -- Keizer -- PlanningKeizer : Keizer Station planKeizer Station planBook