Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)2008-07-222008-07-222006-11-21 pp. Appendices, illus. T20S, R13E, Sections 12, 13, and 24; T20S, R14E, Sections 6-8, 16- 22, 25-29, and 31-36; T20S, R15E, Sections 19-34; T21S, R14E, Sections 1-16; T21S, R15E, Sections 3- 9, 13-29, and 32-36; T21S, R16E, Sections 16, 17, 19-21, 27-30, and 31-34; and T21S, R16E, Sections 3- 6, 8-10, 16, 17, 20-22, and 26-28. Captured May 17, 2007.Documents the review and review findings of project EA actions on species viability. Finds the Opine project no action alternative has no impact on Castilleja chlorotica or Botrychium pumicola, and that the project may impact Castilleja chlorotica individuals or habitat, but will not likely contribute to a trend toward federal listing or cause a loss of viability to the population or species.128517 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestVegetation management -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestForest thinning -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestRange management -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestFuel reduction (Wildfire prevention) -- Oregon -- Deschutes National ForestOpine vegetation management biological evaluation: Threatened, endangered, and sensitive plantsBiological evaluation: Threatened, endangered, and sensitive plants: Opine vegetation managementOther