United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office2008-12-292008-12-292003-07-22https://hdl.handle.net/1794/81872 pp. This action will occur at three of those sites in Section 14, (Rader Creek); and Sections 19, and 20 (Hubbard Creek); T24S R8W. Captured July 24, 2007.Announces decision to authorize the implementation of that portion of the Proposed Action as outlined above and described in Section II, paragraph B1b (pg. 7) of the EA. The EA analyzed the replacement of stream crossing culverts on 26 sites within the Upper Umpqua fifth-field watershed.en-USStream ecology -- Oregon -- Roseburg RegionFish habitat improvement -- Oregon -- Roseburg RegionCulverts -- Oregon -- Roseburg RegionPublic lands -- Oregon -- Roseburg RegionUpper Umpqua Watershed plan Raider-Hubbard stream crossing upgrade project decision recordDecision record: Upper Umpqua Watershed plan Raider-Hubbard stream crossing upgrade projectOther