Aurora (Or.)2007-05-222007-05-222002-01-08DVD provided by Oregon Dept. of Transportation pp. Includes maps and figures. Adopted November 1999; amended January 8, 2002. Received from ODOT January 2, 2007.This transportation system plan (TSP) addresses the anticipated transportation needs for the year 2018. The TSP is being prepared to address federal and state regulations that require urban areas to do longrange planning. The long range planning is intended to serve as a guide for the City of Aurora to [manage] their existing transportation facilities and to plan for the development of future transportation facilities. [From the Plan]1723561 bytesapplication/pdfen-USTransportation -- Oregon -- Aurora -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- AuroraLand use -- Oregon -- Aurora -- PlanningCentral business districts -- Oregon -- AuroraAurora : Transportation system planCity of Aurora transportation system plan : Final reportBook