Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.)2009-03-252009-03-252008-09-19https://hdl.handle.net/1794/885617 pp. Tables. T12S, R6E, Sections 22-27 and 33-36; T12S, R7E, Sections 19 and 30-32; T13S, R6E, Sections 1-4, 9-16, and 22-36; T13S, R7E, Sections 4-9, 15-21, 30 and 31; T14S, R6E, Sections 1-5, 8-12, 13-17, 20-23 and 28; and T14S, R7E, Sections 6 and 7. Captured March 24, 2009.Announces decision selecting Alternative 3, thinning the stands with a focus on accelerating the development of late successional stand characteristics in critical habitat for the northern spotted owl and increasing time between harvest entries. With this modification, Alternative 3 commercially thins about 1272 acres of 30-60 year-old, even-aged managed stands in the Park/Lost Lake, Hackleman and Smith subwatersheds to increase growth and vigor of residual trees; accelerate development of structural and compositional diversity.en-USForest thinning -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestForest management -- Oregon -- Willamette National ForestPark Smith thin decision notice and finding of no significant impactDecision notice and finding of no significant impact: Park Smith thinOther