Pughe, Lane2008-11-132008-11-132008-11-13https://hdl.handle.net/1794/7825This paper was completed as part of the final research component in the University of Oregon Applied Information Management Master's Degree Program [see htpp://aim.uoregon.edu].The rapidly evolving nature of e-commerce presents Internet retailers (e-tailers) with a myriad of marketing choices, further complicated by a lack of industry-specific guidance (Biswas & Krishnan, 2004). Using content analysis of sources published between 2000 and 2006, this study documents and defines marketing tactics used by e-tailers. Tactics are synthesized into a list of best practices in three areas: consumer purchasing behaviors, e-tailer marketing practices, and traditional marketing practices adapted for e-commerce.DataMarketingConsumer purchasing behaviorsConsumer behaviorAIMInternet retailersE-commerceApplied Information ManagementMarketing Tactics Most Commonly Used by Small Internet-based Retailers to Sell Specialty ProductsOther