De Hertogh, Lori Beth2021-06-212021-06-212015-04De Hertogh, L. B., (2015) Reinscribing a New Normal: Pregnancy, Disability, and Health 2.0 in the Online Natural Birthing Community, Birth Without Fear. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, No.7. doi:10.7264/N3Z899PH ( pagesI argue in this article that the online natural birthing community, Birth Without Fear, operates as a Health 2.0 space where members reinscribe a new normal regarding disability and pregnancy, a process that both empowers and disempowers women. To explore this issue, I draw on concepts and terminologies from cyberfeminist and feminist disability studies. In using these methodologies, I bring attention to how pregnant bodies are perceived as medically disabled and highlight how Birth Without Fear both positively and negatively shapes rhetorics of pregnancy on the weben-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USReinscribing a New Normal: Pregnancy, Disability, and Health 2.0 in the Online Natural Birthing Community, Birth Without FearArticle