Bodenhamer, MichaelCurry, MarshallFreeman, TulaniMmari, Cleven2021-02-152021-02-152018 pagesThe aim of this mixed methods study is to explore and contribute to the literature by describing how associations develop and support diversity and inclusion (D&I) practices. The study was conducted using an online survey, focus groups, and interviews with practitioners. The report is designed to assist organizations in developing practices and hopefully improve the inequalities facing the nation. This report does so by examining individual association’s leadership and their attempts, challenges, and successes, implementing D&I practices. Readers will probably identify the location of their organization and their professional field or trade along the path towards successful implementation. Understanding their own location compared with other associations, may uncover key waypoints to assist their movement towards successful D&I implementation.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USdiversity plansDiversity and Inclusion practicesNonprofitsDiversity and Inclusion Practices in Nonprofit AssociationsTerminal Project