Kellett, Ronald2019-03-072019-03-071992-09 pagesThis paper presents work in progress in 'Design for Energy Efficiency', one of fifteen task areas within the United States Department of Energy sponsored Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing (EEIH) research program. In this task area, the design, engineering and manufacturing disciplines of the program seek to generate an agenda of energy related research and development priorities from visions of industrialized housing systems for the year 2030. Of the several housing and energy demand scenarios explored, this paper illustrated one - a low cost concrete panel system for housing at multi-family densities in hot arid, cooling dominated climates (Arizona). This particular scenario explores the opportunity of industrialized technologies to passively condition housing in this context. Aspects of both the long term vision - as system performance specifications, and the short term research priorities - as a rose of proposed research activities, are presented.Articleen-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USDesign for Manufacture of Energy Efficient Housing in the 21st CenturyArticle