Walla Walla Ranger District (Wash.)2008-06-272008-06-272005-06https://hdl.handle.net/1794/6742241 pp. Tables, figures, maps, appendices, references, illus. T4N, R40E, all sections except 31; T4N, R39E, sections 1,12,13,24,25; T4N, R41E, sections 7,18,30,31; T5N, R40E sections 31,32,33,28,29. Captured June 23, 2008.EA proposes to reduce fuels in seven areas that cover approximately 4301 acres using prescribed fire (3000 acres), handcutting, piling and burning of fuels (53 acres), and timber harvest (220 acres). Timber harvest would also be used on another 2678 acres to increase stand vigor and resiliences, removing about 16 MBF. Also includes 60 miles of road maintenance and two miles of temporary roads. Decision notice announces implementation of project EA Alternative B, using a combination of timber harvest and fuel reduction activities.7620701 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Logging -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Prescribed burning -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Fuel reduction (Wildfire prevention) -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Forest roads -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Lower Sheep timber sale and fire reintroduction project environmental assessment, decision notice and finding of no significant impactEnvironmental assessment, decision notice and finding of no significant impact: Lower Sheep timber sale and fire reintroduction projectOther