Herman, VictoriaKniss, Jonathan2012-10-262013-06-042012https://hdl.handle.net/1794/12334The nervous system is required for human cognition, motor function, and sensory interaction. A complex network of neuronal connections, or synapses, carries out these behaviors, and defects in neural connectivity can result in developmental and degenerative diseases. In vertebrate nervous systems, synapses most commonly occur at axon terminals. Upon reaching their synaptic targets, growth cones lose their motility and become boutons specialized for neurotransmitter release. I am studying this process in R7 photoreceptors in theen-USAll Rights Reserved.AxonDrosophilaGrowth conePhotoreceptorTranscription factorsTranscriptional Control of Photoreceptor Axon Growth and Targeting in Drosophila melanogasterElectronic Thesis or Dissertation